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Fall 2021 Updates

Welcome to the start of Fall Quarter 2021

We want to share a few updates about the Virginia Wadsworth Wirtz Center for the Performing Arts and assure you that your well-being, access to help and resources, and sense of belonging here at Northwestern remain our top priority.

We know our environment can change rapidly with new information about the COVID-19 virus, vaccines, and restrictions. Still, we plan to be under the same guidelines throughout the Fall Quarter as determined by the university, the office of risk management, and the School of Communication.

Important Links/Information:

Wirtz Center building hours for Fall 2021 Mon. – Sun. 8 a.m. – 11 p.m.

Contacting Wirtz Center Staff

The Wirtz Center staff will be accessible via email for questions or scheduled phone or socially distant, face-to-face appointments. A complete Wirtz Center staff directory is available here.

The Wirtz Center Box Office is closed for in-person service and available for online sales only until Oct. 1.  After Oct. 1, phone and email Wirtz Center Box Office hours will be Tuesdays through Fridays 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturdays Noon – 4 p.m.

Questions? Email our audience service team at or call 847-491-7282.

For more information and to receive updates, visit the Wirtz Center website, and follow us on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and YouTube.

Productions & Performances

The Wirtz 21/22 season will be in-person with an audience and through some limited virtual offerings. All Northwestern students, faculty, and staff must follow University health and safety guidelines regarding vaccinations, masking, and testing.

Practice/In-Person Performance Work Protocols

We know that participation in student theatre organizations is an integral part of your Northwestern experience for many School of Communication undergraduates. For information regarding STUCO projects, sign up for the This Week In Student Theatre (TWIST) listserv.

Wirtz Center Building Access

Hours: 8 a.m. – 11 p.m., Mon. – Sun.

Room Reservations: Wirtz Center spaces will be available for curricular and extra-curricular activities during Fall Quarter. Room reservations for coursework and rehearsals may be available via 25Live .

To request a space, sign in to 25Live with your netID and password. Search for “WTZ” in the Locations tab to view Wirtz spaces and complete the reservation request. You will receive a confirmation or denial email in response to your request.

If you have questions or concerns about space usage, please email

Required Safety Precautions in the Wirtz Center

Signage at the entrance and throughout the building will assist those visiting the Wirtz Center in person to comply with university guidelines. Before coming to campus, please familiarize yourself with the expected behaviors, protocols, and guidelines for instructional spaces, including social distancing, hand washing, and face coverings.

Covid-19 Safety Concerns

To report a compliance concern, visit EthicsPoint. You may also report a COVID-19 or social distancing concern.

Submit concerns to Community Concern reports.

If there is immediate danger, dial 911; if not, dial Northwestern’s University Police Department at their non-emergency number: 847-491-3456 (or dial 456 from any campus phone).