Welcome to the start of Spring Quarter 2021
We want to share a few updates about the Virginia Wadsworth Wirtz Center for the Performing Arts. Our extraordinary faculty and staff have been working tirelessly, and we want to assure you that your well-being, access to help and resources, and sense of belonging here at Northwestern remain our top priority.
We know our environment changes rapidly with new information about vaccines and looser restrictions. The Wirtz Center will remain under these same guidelines throughout the Spring Quarter as determined by the university, the office of risk management, and the School of Communication. Changing protocols and procedures during Spring programming would disrupt the production process and increase complexity and resources needed.
Important Links/Information:
Wirtz Center building hours for Spring 2021 Mon. – Sat. 8 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Wirtz Admin Office: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Tues. – Thurs. and by appointment.
- 25Live Room Reservation System
- Wirtz Center COVID Room Use document
- Wirtz Event/Rehearsal Request Form
Contacting Wirtz Center Staff
The Wirtz Center staff will be accessible via e-mail for questions or via scheduled phone or socially distant, face-to-face appointments. A complete Wirtz Center staff directory is available here. In general, it may be helpful to take note of the following:
Box Office: Our box office remains closed for in person service, but our team is working remotely. Please e-mail the Wirtz Center Box Office at wirtz@northwestern.edu or call 847-491-7282 Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Wirtz Admin Office: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Tues. – Thurs. and by appointment.
For more information and to receive updates, visit the Wirtz Center website, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Productions & Performances
In compliance with local, federal and University health guidelines, no public programs or performances with in-person public audiences will be presented by the School of Communication during the Spring Quarter. Due to restrictions resulting from COVID-19, the Wirtz Center for the Performing arts will not be allowing rentals of props or costumes for the Spring Quarter.
However, a number of production and performance opportunities have been developed as part of coursework and will be shared via streaming and other digital media platforms. Please see the current production process flowchart.
We know that for many School of Communication undergraduates, participation in student theatre organizations is an important part of your Northwestern experience. For information regarding Spring 2021 STUCO projects, sign up for the This Week In Student Theatre (TWIST) listserv.
Wirtz Center Building Access
All Wirtz classrooms and theaters will remain locked for Spring quarter and require a key for entry into these spaces.
Although most members of our community will access the Wirtz Center remotely, currently enrolled students in good standing who have permission to be on campus, current employees of Northwestern University who have been permitted or instructed to return to campus regularly or for a specific purpose, and approved visitors will be allowed in the Wirtz Center.
Building Entry: Only the 1949 Campus Dr. Lobby Entrance will be available to gain entry via Wildcard access. The Barber Lobby will not be open or available and the costume and scene shops will only be open to approved students during Spring Quarter.
Be prepared to show your daily symptom badge via the daily Symptom Tracker app.
Hours: 8 a.m. – 10 p.m., Mon. – Sat., weekend times available, for those authorized to be on campus, through special request or through booking space via 25Live. There will be student staff onsite in the evenings to monitor the building and space usage.
Room Reservations: Wirtz Center spaces will be available for preapproved curricular or co-curricular/Wirtz activities during Spring Quarter. See the Wirtz Center COVID Room Use document for details. Room reservations for coursework and rehearsals may be available via 25Live . Please secure instructor approval and include their name and course name/number in your request.
Students and student groups may request use of Wirtz Center spaces after 5 p.m. on weekdays and between 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. on Saturdays for curricular and/or non-curricular activities and rehearsals through 25Live. You must first submit an Event/Rehearsal Request form and receive approval from Wirtz staff. In the request form, you must include an explanation for how you will plan to follow covid guidelines in the space, including the number of people in the room, social distancing measures, and sanitizing procedures. You must also include the names of every person in your reservation for contact tracing purposes. Note that the Wirtz reserves the right to deny your request if you do not meet sufficient standards or if your event can be held virtually.
To request a space, sign into 25Live with your netID and password. Search for “WTZ” in the Locations tab to view Wirtz spaces and complete the reservation request. You will receive a confirmation or denial email in response to your request. The confirmation email will include details on how to access a key to the space. Spaces are strictly limited to a maximum of 10 people or 50% of room capacity, whichever is less. You MUST Include at least 20 minutes of resting time at the end of your reservation to allow for proper air circulation. You can do this by adjusting your post-event time in the “Additional Time” section in your 25Live event form. If your request does not adhere to these criteria, it will be denied.
If you have questions or concerns about space usage, please email wirtzspace@northwestern.edu.
Required Safety Precautions in the Wirtz Center
Signage at the entrance and throughout the building will assist those visiting the Wirtz Center in person to do so in compliance with University guidelines. Before coming to campus, please familiarize yourself with the expected behaviors, protocols and guidelines for instructional spaces, including social distancing, hand washing and face coverings.
Covid-19 Safety Concerns
To report a compliance concern, visit EthicsPoint. You may also report a COVID-19 or social distancing concern.
Students or concerns about students should be submitted as Community Concern reports.
If there is immediate danger, dial 911; if not, dial Northwestern’s University Police Department at their non- emergency number: 847-491-3456 (or dial 456 from any campus phone).