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May 19-28, 2023

Friday, 5/19 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, 5/20 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, 5/21 2 p.m.
Thursday, 5/25 7:30 p.m.
Friday, 5/26 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, 5/27 7:30 p.m.
Sunday 5/28 2 p.m.

Ethel M. Barber Theater
30 Arts Circle Drive

Ticket Pricing

General Public $25
Senior Citizens $22
NU Faculty Staff $20
Full-Time Students $10
Full-Time NU Students $6 in advance, $10 at the door
A per ticket service charge will be added to all online ($3 per ticket), phone ($2 per ticket)

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Buy your FLEXPASS for six admissions now!
General Public $115
Full-Time NU Students $33
A service charge of $5 each will be added to all purchases.

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Health and Safety Guidelines

By Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
Directed by Katie Lupica

This modern riff on the fifteenth-century morality play Everyman follows Everybody (who is chosen from amongst the cast by lottery at each performance) as they journey through life’s greatest mystery—the meaning of what it is to be alive – and why it must come to an end. A finalist for the 2018 Pulitzer Prize, “this is theatre rather unlike anything you might have seen…unusual, unconventional and eye-opening…it is not only provocative and involving, it is also funny. Wildly funny, in fact.” —Huffington Post.


join Everybody’s director Katie Lupica and dramaturg Phoenix Gonzalez for a talkback with Mel Keiser, co-convener of the Kaplan Institute’s Death Studies Research Workshop at Northwestern, and Dr. Craig Klugman, Vincent De Paul Professor of Bioethics and Health Humanities at DePaul University and death doula. They will explore the historical and cultural influences on the play and the play’s relation to discussions about death today.


The cast of Everybody participated in the national movement, Death Over Dinner, in preparation for the show. You can, too! For more information about ways to customize a dinner experience, with tips, tools, and suggestions along with prompts to get talking about this difficult subject, visit